The Woodshed Network Residency Program is graced with the incredible talent, insight, dedication and support of our mentors. Each an expert in their field, they share the wealth of their knowledge with mentees and often each other. It is a unique privilege, responsibility, and joy to "pay forward" that which we have learned to help prepare the next generation. Our gratitude is overwhelming. Thank you to each one for making the program a success, putting their trust in us, and sharing our mission. 

- Tulani Bridgewater-Kowalski, TWN Assoc. Artistic Director

2019 Mentors
2021 Mentors
2023 Year Four
Sources:1 USC Annenberg Inclusion Initiative “Inclusion in the Recording Studio?by Dr. Stacy L. Smith, Dr. Katherine Pieper, Hannah Clark, Ariana Case & Marc Choueiti, Jan. 20202 Berklee Institute for Creative Entrepreneurship, "Women in the U.S. Music Industry: Obstacles and Opportunities" by Becky Prior, Erin Barra, Sharon Kramer, Ph.D.3Music Festivals’ Glaring Woman Problem” - by Alanna Vagianos, Huffington Post4Tracking the Gender Balance of This Year’s Music Festival Lineups” - by Rob Mitchum and Diego Garcia-Olano, Pitchfork5 Keychange PRS Foundation, "Keychange Manifesto: Recommendations for a gender balanced music industry" Manifesto designed by Ian Robson and Infographics by Jon Stanbrook 
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Bridgewater Artists Management
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